Last week I went to a theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young wo...
Sunguh aku sangat sayang dirimu :)
Mungkin aku pernah juga.. merasakan cinta.. ]Tapi tak pernah.. seindah ini.. Mungkin aku juga pernah Merasakan rindu.. tapi tak pernah...
Klik aja x.ncre?page=identification terus daftar
Berkah sebuah persahabatan (Gift of A Friend - Demi Lovato)
Gift of A Friend - Demi Lovato Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself 'cause a dream is a wish that you make all alone It...
Trading Oh Trading Part 1
Trading Oh Trading part 1 malam sabtu, saatnya kuliah libur besok,,iseng2 tadi dapet majalah bulanan inve...
Taree Zameen Paar dan berpikir positif
Taara Zameen, Pulau Solomon, dan Berpikir Positif Semalem aku baru menonton film india, mungkin beberapa orang udah ada yg nonton, ju...
Tips Naik Motor dikala hujan khususnya Semarang(dalam cerita)
Lu pernah gak men, sedang pergi naik motor, terus tiba-tiba jalan didepan tergenang air aliah banjir?? ni gw mw share dikit pengalaman gw b...
Cinta(baca:nafsu) " Harus Memiliki"
Org yg brkata “cinta tdk hrs memiliki” pasti dia org yg sdh sgt putus asa dan sgt trluka. Menurut saya, cinta itu akan slalu menuntut utk ...
Oh sandalku!
Ngekos di rumah nya ibu sutiyem ada cerita aneh di balik sandal bututku,, beberapa tahun lalu aku beli sandal tepatnya pas saat lebaran tah...
Situs Jurnal Gratis
Bagi semua yang membutuhkan jurnal fisika free download gratis? silakan 1. ProQuest username: oJ6QVJWQ6W pass...
Tugas Mandiri MK KWU Pak Bambang Subali,
Lakukan studi pada wirausaha/wirausahawati di lingkungan kampus Unnes Sekaran, untuk memetakan peluang usaha yang dapa Saudara rencanakan me...
Indonesia Itu sangat kaya, !
Tulisan ini tak sengaja bukak fb, pas saat posting Trading Oh Trading Part 2, nah itulah sebabnya aku segera berubah mode to be continue, ni...
Trading Oh Trading part 2
wah, kudu ganti blog untuk nulis-nulis pake bahasa alay tur lebay tahu gak kemarin aku nulis blog di sini , it...
My last assignment
Today was a hurry day, I just finished my assignment in lesson research methodology. The task was truely heavy. I was being ordered by my le...
The proof from th prophet
PROOFS FROM AUTHENTIC PROPHETIC TRADITIONS Authentic Prophetic traditions, as well as traditions of the Prophet's ...
The lettered proof of the God been
THE QURANIC PROOFS Allaah, the Exalted, commands the believers to refer their disputes and differences to His...
Where the God is?
WHERE IS ALLAAH? Allaah, the Exalted, has described Himself in His Book, and by the tongue of His Messenger s...
Who is God?
WHO IS ALLAAH? Allaah is the proper name applied to the true God who exists necessarily by Himself comprising...
4 Steps to be Good Monotheism
Almighty God, Lord of the Glorious Throne, I pray that He may guide you in this world and the next; that He may always bless you...
Preface :)
Welcome to my site, I'd like to introduce you to my opinion about a thing about anything.